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April Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath for Social Change

Join in this sacred amalgamation of the deeply meditative practice of Yoga Nidra ("Yogic Sleep") and the healing resonance of singing bowls. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation, traditionally practiced lying down, that leads you into a state of deep relaxation. Towards the end of the practice, there will be an opportunity to receive the healing vibrations from crystal signing bowls. 50% of proceeds will be donated to Kindling Collective!

Date/Time: Sunday April 13 from 6-6:45 pm

Provided: Blankets, bolsters, cushions, blocks, and other props

Cost: Suggested donation - $15 - $20 (please Venmo directly @Maddy-Riker)

Location: Good Medicine Collective (please enter through the uppermost green door on Brackett Street)

If you have any questions, please email me - !

March 23

March Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath for Social Change

April 26

Yin & Reiki: Lux Edition